
Dr. Kiyohiko Nakazaki of Tokyo Institute of Technology wrote a book review of my book “Food Crisis: Pandemic, Grasshopper, Food Loss” (PHP Shinsho) in the Journal of the Society of Waste Management and Resource Recycling.

He mentioned,

“Engineers should read this book.

“There are hints for research.

“A good book that you will find different and interesting parts when you read it again.

I recommend a close reading.

Journal of the Japan Society of Waste Management and Recycling Vol.32 No.3 p248.

東京工業大学の中崎清彦先生が、廃棄物資源循環学会誌に拙著『食料危機 パンデミック、バッタ、食品ロス』(PHP新書)の書評を書いてくださっていました。






廃棄物資源循環学会誌Vol.32 No.3 p248です。


I like the JAZZ apples that appear this season. They are sweet and sour, small in size, and crispy and chewy when cut. They sell out quickly at the supermarket in my neighborhood.

In Japan, the leaves are removed in order to make the fruit red and even, but in other countries, leaf removal is not the mainstream practice, and there is even a paper that says the sugar content is higher if the leaves are not removed.

I introduced Mr. Toshihiko Moriyama of Moriyamaen, the oldest apple orchard in Japan, which has been in operation for over 100 years in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, and Mr. Yasuo Morimoto of Matsuzawa, who produces “Ringo Otome” in Nagano Prefecture.



青森県弘前市、100年以上続いている日本最古のりんご園、もりやま園 の森山 聡彦 さんと、長野県で「りんご乙女」を製造する森本 康雄 さんのマツザワをご紹介しました。




日本在住、イタリア人女性のリタさんに伺いました。彼女がイタリア帰国中、自宅で作っていた料理とは? / 小麦粉ならぬ「栗粉」に「ひよこ豆粉」イタリア人がロックダウン中に作っていた料理は?