【まだ食べられる食品ロスを活用!】Deliver food loss ( bread and chocolate spread ) to those in need まだ充分食べられるのに様々な事情で棄てられてしまう食品ロスを、埼玉県川口市で初めて、受け手に繋いで活用することができました!
川口のパン屋さん、坂巻達也(坂巻さん)のところで発生するパンの耳をお預かりし、坂巻さんの義理の娘さん、Gizem O Nigiri(ギーちゃん)と一緒に配りました。
”もったいない” を活かすことができて、気持ちがスッキリ、晴れやかです!みなさん、ありがとうございました!以上
と書くと、小売を批判しているように見えるかもしれませんが、確かにヒエラルキー(食品業界内の上下関係)は存在します。メーカーは、小売店に売って頂かないと商売にならないし、小売店はbuying powerを持っている存在だからです。でも、食品ロス問題を熱心に考えている小売業の方はたくさんいらっしゃいます。企業によるし、人によるのはメーカーも同じです。どんな人もどんな組織も、そこで働く人の気持ちによって、姿勢・行動は違ってきます。
農林水産省 食品ロス削減国民運動
消費者庁 食べ物の無駄をなくそうプロジェクト
Food that could be eaten but is thrown away because it goes unsold, is nonstandard or goes uneaten is referred to as “food loss.” In Japan, food loss reaches as much as 5 million to 8 million tons of food per year. To improve this state of affairs, the Japanese government has developed the No-Foodloss Project, which in an attempt to get people to raise their consciousness and change their actions, supports model food loss reduction measures at every stage of food loss from production to consumption, with “Let’s take back waste!” as its slogan.
One such measure is reconsidering commercial practices like the so-called “one-third rule” in food distribution. Under the one-third rule, retail shops set delivery deadlines to one-third the time between production and the best-by date. For example, if the best-by period were six months, manufacturers and wholesalers would require that delivery happen within two months of production or they would return the product. Also, retail shops remove processed products after two-thirds of the best-by period has expired. Much of the processed food returned or removed in this way is discarded. To reconsider this kind of commercial practice, in October 2012, nine manufacturers, three wholesalers and four retailers joined forces to launch the Commercial Practice Examination Working Group to Reduce Food Loss. Regarding commercial practices that can cause food loss, they talk about the overall food chain and share information about actual conditions and problems with the aim of finding solutions.
And to reduce food loss in the food service industry, the government is supporting a “Clean Your Plate Movement” to avoid the waste of leftover food by popularizing such measures among restaurants as half-portion and small portion menu items, as well as takeout items. It also supports the popularization of doggy bags that allow customers to take leftovers home with them.
Its varied activities also include supporting the “Food Bank Movement,” in which food products nearing their expiration dates and nonstandard items are accepted from companies and donated to charitable organizations.
Sources: Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Biomass Policy Division; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries